Industry Projects (Firms)

Advancing the Practice of Investing through Real-World Projects

Gain fresh perspectives and actionable insights while contributing to the education and career readiness of the next generation of finance students. IAIM connects you to student teams of 3-4 passionate finance students to tackle your real-world projects.

Benefits to Sponsors

  • Gain innovative solutions and perspectives
    from talented finance students
  • Strengthen ties with the academic
    community and potential future employees
  • Enhance your organization’s visibility and
    branding in the finance industry
  • Early access to talent that will soon enter
    the workforce
  • Campus brand awareness
  • Opportunity to give back and invest in the
    next generation

Your Organization Benefits from New Tools & Analysis

Students Receive Hands-On Experience from You

Tools from Public Projects will be Accessible to All

Getting Started

Step One – Establish the project with a clear and concise description of your organization and the measurable goals and outcomes of the project. Projects should be able to be completed in 12-15 weeks with student teams dedicating 3-6 hours per week to the project. 

Step Two – Determine project contact, the dedicated SME willing to devote time to support the student team, provide onboarding context, perform check-ins, provide feedback and complete the final evaluation.

Step Three – Submit your proposal for consideration to Professor Jonathan Brogaard:


Teams: 3-4 students dedicate 3-6 hours per week to the project.
Duration: Projects are a semester in length (12-15 weeks) with the option to link multiple semesters for larger projects.
Compensation: Students are paid a one-time stipend or hourly pay.

Project Timeline

Best Practices

Project Design
  • Incorporate opportunities for students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Assign a dedicated project contact who is a subject matter expert (SME) to guide and mentor
    students, provide necessary resources and ensure access to relevant tools, systems, and
Time Commitment
  • Allocate time for project setup and final evaluation.
  • Meet with students on a regular cadence – once a week for about 30 minutes.
  • Balance ambitious objectives with achievable milestones.
  • Be open to adjustments and modifications based on project progress
Clear Communication
  • Establish clear lines of communication and set expectations for response times.
  • Maintain steady commitment and engagement with student teams through regularly
    scheduled communication for feedback, evaluation, and project management.
  • Offer timely, specific feedback to help students improve and learn.
  • Set clearly defined goals with measurable outcomes that support students’ academic growth
    while meeting project requirements.
  • Give students context: insights on the company, industry practices, and industry trends.
  • Provide guidance and support, encouraging students to ask questions and seek advice.

If you want more information before submitting a formal proposal, please contact Jonathan Brogaard for further details. To do so, email