Continuing Education in Investment Leadership

Course Overview

IAIM will offer a short course on investment leadership that will provide students of all ages and backgrounds with high-level insights into investment management.

The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the industry, with a focus on leadership and strategy. The program will cover a range of topics, including portfolio management, risk management, and financial analysis.

By providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the investment management landscape, IAIM hopes to cultivate the next generation of investment leaders.

Highlights from this Course



Short Selling

Sharpe Ratio


Yield Curve

Order Types

Index ETFs


First Last


This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type.

First Last


This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type.

First Last


This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type.

1. Understanding different investment choices

Banking, CDs, Money Markets

What is a stock?

Understanding mutual funds

Understanding ETFs

2. How the stock market works and what makes it move

What are the exchanges?

What is an IPO versus secondary market?

Market timing

Understanding business cycles

Bull and Bear Markets

3. Making your first trade

Looking up a ticker symbol

Understanding a stock quote page

Open, hi, low, close




4. Build your $100,000 portfolio

Risk and Diversification

Across industries

Across market caps

Across dividend yields

5. Now that I own it, when do I sell it?

Rule #1 – Ride your winners and cut your losses

Exit strategies and protecting your value

Using stop loss orders

Using trailing stops

Identifying market tops

6. Fundamental analysis – Understanding earnings and cash flow

As it relates to both buying and selling

Understanding 10Qs and 10Ks

Revenue and earnings


EPS and Cash flow per share

7. Technical analysis – Common charting terms

As it relates to both buying and selling

How to read stock charts

Double bottom

Cup and saucer


8. Current Hot Topics in Trading

Day trading

Swing trading

Penny stocks

Buy and hold

Growth at a reasonable price

9. Introduction to Options

What are options

Option pricing – Black Scholes Model

Call options

Put options

Writing covered calls

10. Survivor’s Guide to Success

Ten key things to remember

Ten mistakes to avoid

Staying informed, it’s a continuous process

Investment newsletters

Money management techniques